Monday, January 14, 2013

My Great Pyrenees.

My Great Pyrenees, Mia, is what you would call a badger, because she has a mask of color across  her forehead. Most Great Pyrenees are all white, but sometimes they are born with badger markings.  Great Pyrenees are often stubborn, but with loving consistency, they can be trained out of it.  Great Pyrenees are very intelligent, and they have their unique personalities. They do funny things, such as carrying their food bowl around when its empty.  Mia lives to snuggle, and play. When Mia wants attention she has a funny habit of going into our rooms and getting stuff she knows shes not supposed to have, like clothes off our floor, or bath toys out of our bathroom. She once tipped over a water jug that I had left on the floor, after watering plants inside. When she saw that the jug was spilling out water, she picked it up by the spout so that it was up-rite again.  Over all, they are a wonderful breed, and I don't think I will ever get a different type of dog.

Thanks for reading!


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